(Artificial Control Experiment)

Created by:
Steve Yeager
Go check out
The Official ACE Homepage

Guide by Floyd

FRAGEM ROCK has the kind permission to use and edit this text from our kind friends at the Bot Epidemic

  Welcome to the first edition to the guide for ACE.  My aim is to provide you with all the essential data needed
 to quickly and easily get ACE up & running on your PC.
If you have any questions or comments then drop me a  line .
And I will try to field any intelligent questions as quickly as possible.

The first thing you need to do is make sure you have the most current version of Quake2.
Now you do have Ace don't you?  Got get it from the Downloads section as well.
I am going under the assumption that you have had at least a little experience on the internet.
(you are here now aren't you?!?)
And you have downloaded programs, pictures or something before. And have used either WINZIP
PKUNZIP to extract files from a '.zipped archive before.
If you have neither of these programs (preferably WINZIP) then go here and download it.
I will provide a quick instruction to extracting the ACE Bot from the .zip using WINZIP.
Ok, Nuff said.
Let's get started.
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